Task - Monitor On + Reply %TREKTXT = NUMBER THAT TEXTED REQUEST Task - Get GPS Lock %TREKLAT was %TrekLaT = %allatitude from AutoLocation Plugin %TREKLONG was %TrekLong = %allongitude from AutoLocation Plugin %TREKSPEED was %TrekSpeed = %alspeed from AutoLocation Plugin %TREKBEARING was %TrekBearing = %albearing from AutoLocation Plugin %TREKTIME was %TrekTime = %altime from AutoLocation Plugin %TEXTINFO = This variable is a flag so that the profile 'Text Location Rpt' can be triggered Task - Location Rpt Task %TREKTIMES was %TrekTIMES = this is %TREKTIME converted into seconds so calculations can be executed. %gpsin = GPS coordinates, this is "%TREKLAT,%TREKLONG"